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Can Aspargaus inhibit
population growth of
    yeast cells?
            Tiffany Sato
   Experium Science Academy
  Marlborough School, Ninth Grade
Hypothesis and Goals
 During digestion, asparagus produces sulfur
   compounds, which is beneficial in the reduction of
   the growth of cancer cells (Mitchell, 2001).
   Therefore, I decided to investigate this further which
   led me to the information that asparagus produced
   high levels of sulfur. From this, I decided to start
   studying the effect of asparagus on yeast activity.

 I wanted to see a decrease in yeast activity
   compared to a negative and positive control. A
   decrease in growth meant that the asparagus, the
   high amounts of sulfur, was inhibiting the growth of
   the yeast cells.
Why I used Yeast Cells
  and the Similarities
 Yeast Cells                Cancer Cells
   (Saccharomyces              Typical eukaryotic
   cerevisiae)                   structure
    Typical eukaryotic        Fast and
      structure                  incontrollable cell
    Fast and                    division
      incontrollable cell
    Economically
    Genetic material is
Yeast Cells as a Model
 I realized that scientific studies have shown that
   Saccharomyces cerevisiae could be used as an
   alternative to cancer cells when doing research.
   (Hartwell, 2001; Mortimer, 1973)
Research Methods
Can Asparagus
        inhibit population
      growth in yeast cells?

  Yeast Activity       Viable Colony
   Growth with        Counts with Agar
Spectrophotometer         Plates
Positive (YPD+)

• 1% Yeast Extract
• 2% Peptone
• 1% Dextrose

Negative (YPD-)

• Water

Experimental (YPDAsp)

•   1% Yeast Extract
•   2% Peptone
•   1% Dextrose
•   50mL of Filtered Asparagus
Yeast Activity Growth
with Spectrophotometer
Grow S. cerevisiae                                         Centrifuge all
                              Incubated all
 in YPD+, YPD-,                                            the different
                          cultures for 24 hours
 YPDAsp Broths                                               mediums

      Measured the
    absorbance of each
          using a                                  Compared the Yeast
   spectrophotometer at                           Activity Growth Results
Viable Colony Counts
     using Agar Plates
 For my agar                                   Streak onto my
    plates, I                                   three different
 inoculated a         Incubate for 48
                                               plates: positive,
colony from a          hours at 30oC
  colony off a                                   negative and
positive plate.                                  experimental

                                        Record Viable
    Incubate for 24
                                        Colony Count
     hours at 30o C
Results for Yeast Growth
Absorbance of Yeast
                             Activity Sample
Absorbance (600nm)

                     0.5                              POSITIVE
                     0.4                              NEGATIVE
                     0.3                              EXPL

                           0    5           10   15
                                Sample Numbers
Data Table

 Average for Negative (without any nutrients) :
   0.189 abs

 Average for Experimental (with asparagus):
   0.488 abs

 Average for Positive (with nutrients, without
   asparagus):0.633 abs
Conclusions for Yeast
     Growth Activity
 My results from my experiment with the liquid
   medium with asparagus had the lowest absorbance
   (0.488 abs) compared to my positive control
   (0.633 abs ) and higher absorbance compared to
   my negative control (0.189 abs). This indicates a
   decrease in yeast activity upon addition of
   asparagus indicating minimal cell growth.
Results for Viable
Experimental Results
Comparison of the
Negative Experiment   Positive Experiment
Conclusions from Viable
 Although viable colonies have limited
   quantification, the pictures show the apparent
   difference of structural colonies between the
   Positive, Experimental, and Negative.

       Positive         Experimental        Negative

   • Raised, Convex   • Flat Surface    • Produced no
     Surface                              colonies
 Thank you to Sigma Xi for this opportunity.
 Thank you to RaudhahRahman, Experium
Science Academy, my parents, and those who
      have supported me throughout.

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  • 1. Can Aspargaus inhibit population growth of yeast cells? Tiffany Sato Experium Science Academy Marlborough School, Ninth Grade
  • 2. Hypothesis and Goals  During digestion, asparagus produces sulfur compounds, which is beneficial in the reduction of the growth of cancer cells (Mitchell, 2001). Therefore, I decided to investigate this further which led me to the information that asparagus produced high levels of sulfur. From this, I decided to start studying the effect of asparagus on yeast activity.  I wanted to see a decrease in yeast activity compared to a negative and positive control. A decrease in growth meant that the asparagus, the high amounts of sulfur, was inhibiting the growth of the yeast cells.
  • 3. Why I used Yeast Cells and the Similarities  Yeast Cells  Cancer Cells (Saccharomyces  Typical eukaryotic cerevisiae) structure  Typical eukaryotic  Fast and structure incontrollable cell  Fast and division incontrollable cell division  Economically accessible  Genetic material is known
  • 4. Yeast Cells as a Model Organism  I realized that scientific studies have shown that Saccharomyces cerevisiae could be used as an alternative to cancer cells when doing research. (Hartwell, 2001; Mortimer, 1973)
  • 6. Can Asparagus inhibit population growth in yeast cells? Yeast Activity Viable Colony Growth with Counts with Agar Spectrophotometer Plates
  • 7. Recipes Positive (YPD+) • 1% Yeast Extract • 2% Peptone • 1% Dextrose Negative (YPD-) • Water Experimental (YPDAsp) • 1% Yeast Extract • 2% Peptone • 1% Dextrose • 50mL of Filtered Asparagus
  • 8. Yeast Activity Growth with Spectrophotometer Grow S. cerevisiae Centrifuge all Incubated all in YPD+, YPD-, the different cultures for 24 hours YPDAsp Broths mediums Measured the absorbance of each using a Compared the Yeast spectrophotometer at Activity Growth Results 600nm
  • 9. Viable Colony Counts using Agar Plates For my agar Streak onto my plates, I three different inoculated a Incubate for 48 plates: positive, colony from a hours at 30oC colony off a negative and positive plate. experimental Record Viable Incubate for 24 Colony Count hours at 30o C Results
  • 10. Results for Yeast Growth Activity
  • 11. Absorbance of Yeast Activity Sample 1 0.9 0.8 Absorbance (600nm) 0.7 0.6 0.5 POSITIVE 0.4 NEGATIVE 0.3 EXPL 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 Sample Numbers
  • 13. Data  Average for Negative (without any nutrients) : 0.189 abs  Average for Experimental (with asparagus): 0.488 abs  Average for Positive (with nutrients, without asparagus):0.633 abs
  • 14. Conclusions for Yeast Growth Activity  My results from my experiment with the liquid medium with asparagus had the lowest absorbance (0.488 abs) compared to my positive control (0.633 abs ) and higher absorbance compared to my negative control (0.189 abs). This indicates a decrease in yeast activity upon addition of asparagus indicating minimal cell growth.
  • 15. Results for Viable Colonies
  • 17. Comparison of the Controls Negative Experiment Positive Experiment
  • 18. Conclusions from Viable Colonies  Although viable colonies have limited quantification, the pictures show the apparent difference of structural colonies between the Positive, Experimental, and Negative. Positive Experimental Negative • Raised, Convex • Flat Surface • Produced no Surface colonies
  • 19. Acknowledgements Thank you to Sigma Xi for this opportunity. Thank you to RaudhahRahman, Experium Science Academy, my parents, and those who have supported me throughout.